Exploring 21st Century Learning Skills (4C Principles) in Qur’an
Mengeksplorasi Keterampilan Pembelajaran Abad 21 (Prinsip 4C) di dalam Al-Qur'an
The rapid development of information and technology over the last ten years has had an impact on all aspects of human life, including education, where a skills-based learning process is very much needed. This research was conducted to examine the content of 21st century skills which consist of the 4C principles (critical thinking, creativity, communication, and cooperation) in Qur’an. The aim is to prove that Qur’an, as a life guide for Muslims, is a holy book that is compatible with current developments. Using qualitative descriptive methods and a literature study approach, this research attempts to explore the verses of the Qur'an which contain the principles of 21st century learning skills. The results of the research conclude that the Al-Quran is a very comprehensive educational guide and is suitable for use in any era, because it contains implicit and explicit emphasis on the components of 21st century learning skills called 4C (critical thinking, creativity, communication, and cooperation).
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