Ummah for Earth: The Influence of Religious Soft Power Manifestation in Greenpeace Indonesia’s Strategies

Ummah for Earth: Pengaruh Manifestasi Soft Power Keagamaan dalam Strategi Greenpeace Indonesia

  • Riana Mardila UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Keywords: Greenpeace Indonesia, Religious Soft Power, Ummah for Earth


Indonesia is acknowledged as the most populous Muslim country. Islam within its society definitely has an impact in shaping them. Thus, Islam sometimes is used as a tool to achieve particular goals related to the society. This article focuses on Greenpeace Indonesia (as a non-state environmentalist organization) with the Ummah For Earth (U4E) alliance project in which they are participating. It is compelling because in this project Greenpeace (Indonesia) sees the urgency to utilize an Islamic religious approach namely Ummah For Earth (U4E) in a Muslim majority society like Indonesia. By using qualitative methods, namely interviews, social media analytics, and literature review in collecting data, it was found that there are three U4E’ influences on Greenpeace Indonesia's strategy in increasing the environmental awareness of the Indonesian people. They are (1) audience targeting and segmentation, (2) an emphasis on the use of digital media, and (3) cooperation with government and local grassroots actors.


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How to Cite
Mardila, R. (2024). Ummah for Earth: The Influence of Religious Soft Power Manifestation in Greenpeace Indonesia’s Strategies. Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, Dan Budaya, 7(3), 571-589.