Berbagi Kenikmatan Al-Quran: Interaksi Oral-Aural dalam Majelis Simakan Al-Quran Al-Ittihad

Understanding the Quranic Pleasure: Oral-Aural Interaction in Al-Ittihad's Simakan Al-Quran Majelis

  • Aavi Laila Kholily Institut Ilmu Quran (IIQ) Annur Yogyakarta


The Majelis Al-Quran Al-Ittihad is one of the majelis Quran that contributing to the religious soundscape in Indonesia. This soundscape facilitates oral-aural interactions among the Quranic text, the reciter (hafiz), and the listeners. This article seeks to explore the patterns of interaction among these three elements and elucidate portions of the holy Quran that bring pleasure to readers, particularly the reciters and listeners in this context. Employing observational-participatory methods and interviews, I argue that the soundscape in the Majelis Al-Quran Al-Ittihad, under certain conditions, successfully fosters interaction between the recited text, the reciter, and the audience. The findings of this article indicate that oral-aural interaction patterns occur when these three elements are interconnected. The reciter, as the oral party, deeply internalizes the recited text, producing appropriate intonation and rhythm in line with the illustrations or descriptions in the recited verses. This process creates diverse nuances that can be perceived by the listeners as the aural party. However, the outcomes of the oral-aural interaction are not universally considered pleasurable, as this depends on how effectively the oral process is conveyed.


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How to Cite
Kholily, A. (2024). Berbagi Kenikmatan Al-Quran: Interaksi Oral-Aural dalam Majelis Simakan Al-Quran Al-Ittihad. Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, Dan Budaya, 7(4), 864-879.