Analisis Bibliometrik Perkembangan Studi Wakaf Produktif: Tren, Pola, dan Kolaborasi Penelitian (2019–2024)
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of Productive Waqf Studies: Trends, Patterns, and Research Collaborations (2019–2024)
Productive waqf is an innovative concept in the management of waqf assets that aims to generate sustainable benefits for the community. This scheme involves the provision and management of waqf assets productively, with the resulting surplus used as a source of funds for mutual empowerment. This study aims to describe the development of studies on productive waqf during a six-year period, from 2019 to 2024. The methodology of this study uses bibliometrik analysis with the help of VOSviewer and Publish or Perish (PoP) software, as well as conducting literature studies. This approach allows researchers to comprehensively analyze publication trends, citation patterns, and research collaborations in the field of productive waqf. The results show a significant upward trend in productive waqf studies from 2019 to 2023, with a slight decrease in 2024. A total of 110 articles were found with 924 citations, signaling great interest in the topic. The peak of author participation occurred in 2023, which reflects the high enthusiasm within the academic community. Despite a slight decline in 2024, the total involvement of 229 authors during the research period shows that productive waqf remains a relevant topic and has the potential for further exploration in the future.
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