Strategi Mualaf Center Indonesia Peduli (MCIP) Dalam Membentuk Sosial Keagamaan Muslim Baru Di Kota Medan
The Strategy of the Indonesian Caring Mualaf Center (MCIP) in Forming a New Muslim Social Religious Community in Medan City
Mualaf Center Indonesia Peduli (MCIP) is an organization dedicated to supporting converts to Islam, playing a strategic role in shaping the social and religious identity of new Muslims. The phenomenon of religious conversion in Indonesia presents profound challenges, including social stigma, family rejection, and community pressure, which individuals face in establishing their new religious identity. This study aims to analyze MCIP's strategies in nurturing converts through the lens of social identity theory.The research findings indicate that MCIP employs a comprehensive strategy that includes continuous spiritual guidance, social support, and community-based empowerment. This approach not only assists converts in overcoming psychosocial challenges but also transforms their identity through the stages of categorization, identification, and social comparison. These strategies have implications for strengthening the capacity of converts to internalize Islamic values holistically, enhancing social connections within the Muslim community, and building resilience against social stigma. This study provides practical implications for organizations supporting converts to design more effective programs in facilitating the process of religious conversion. The findings also enrich the literature on the dynamics of social identity formation in the context of a multicultural society.
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