Ganjuran : Refleksi Spiritualitas Masyarakat Dan Identitas Budaya Lamongan
Ganjuran: Reflection of Community Spirituality and Cultural Identity of Lamongan
The proposal procession in Indonesia is generally carried out by the male party, while the Lamonogan community, has a Ganjuran culture where the proposal procession is carried out by women. This research aims to describe the Ganjuran tradition in Lamongan society through its cultural identity and ritual process. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative. This approach allows an in-depth understanding of the meaning of the tradition from cultural, religious and social perspectives. The main data was obtained through in-depth interviews with traditional leaders, couples involved in Ganjuran, as well as community members who know this tradition. In addition, direct observation was conducted in villages that still preserve the Ganjuran tradition, such as Babat, to capture its social dynamics. Data collection techniques involved semi-structured interviews, field notes and visual documentation. Triangulation was applied to ensure data validity by comparing the results of interviews, observations and documents. Data were analyzed using an interactive model consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the Ganjuran tradition describes the role of women in proposing to men as a form of customary respect, which is influenced by Islamic values and Lamongan cultural identity. This tradition strengthens social solidarity and maintains cultural cohesion, while adjusting to the times. Thus, Ganjuran not only reflects the honor of women's families, but also serves as a link between individuals and community values.
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