• Case Studies
    Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
  • Research Paper Edition
    Vol 3 No 2 (2020)

    This edition is the latest edition from the previous ones. Because starting from this publication, Alsuna: Journal of Arabic and English Language will publish 10 articles on each issue. On this issue, all articles are the result of field research and there are only two studies based on literature studies. Field research was conducted at four Universities, three Islamic Boarding Schools and one at the Junior High School level. For research on the results of literature studies in this edition, the objects to be analyzed are dictionaries and storybooks.

  • Modern Standard in Second Language: Problem, History, Developing, and Teaching
    Vol 3 No 1 (2020)

    In this issue, the discussion category includes innovations in the development of grammatical textbooks based on course institutions. In addition to focusing on English grammatical, this study tries to develop this book in teaching speaking. The next discussion relates to field studies related to the absorption of domestic and foreign language teacher graduates in providing questions and strategies used. The next article is a concept offered by researchers of the importance of Ibn Jinni's Ideas about derivation. The next article is the result of research on comprehensive reading teaching by knowing the students' problems in formulating individual questions and answers. Then there is the research on the results of a trial of an inquiry method that is applied to the writing skills of secondary students. The last discussion in this article is a concept related to various ways of teaching reading Arabic Alphabet in Al-Qur'ān with An-Nahḍiyah method book.

  • Innovation of Teaching
    Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
    This edition discusses innovations in foreign language learning. Starting with a contextual discussion of learning, this research draws conclusions. The results of the data analysis show that Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) gives an effect on grammar teaching for students. Then move on to learning to write, which is still considered the most complicated skill. But in the research that has been done, that journal writing activities motivate students to write and develop writing skills easily. Still related to writing, further research focuses on discussing refreshed teaching solutions to avoid plagiarism, especially in preparing students when writing the final project. While in Arabic research studies, this article explores various problems that still occur in Arabic teaching programs. Furthermore, the discussion turned to the learning curriculum that was being programmed by the national education center relating to the advancement of industry 4.0. At the end of the discussion of this edition, an experiment in strengthening reading literacy is presented with a combination of deep-level understanding and correct grammatical use.
  • Linguistics and Literature
    Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
    The discussion theme in this article focuses on the study of literature and language. the first study discusses the analysis of symbolism and meaning which is more dominant in Nicholas Gordon's five love poems. Next turn to the study of sociolinguistics, which produces the conclusion, that differences in the sociolinguistic background will determine the simplicity of linguistics. The third review of this edition is the importance of proverbs at various levels of communication through a comprehensive description of the important characteristics and the various possible inherent and intended meanings they convey. Turning to the study of Arabic, the discussion was preceded by the study of classical Arabic "Jurjani" figures who are reviewers of the language of the Qur'an in the field of Balaghah. Turning to the next discussion, it is still related to classical studies, but the focus of the discussion is more on the comparison. Namely the comparison between the study of classical 'Arabic scholars with modern linguistics in phonetic science. Finally, the discussion of this edition is a theoretical review of language acquisition early on, and how the modification of the acquisition of language into the foreign language learning process emphasizes the acquisition process or unintentional.
  • Teaching Innovation
    Vol 1 No 2 (2018)
    The first discussion of this edition is about the importance of combining the PAR method with needs and situational analysis and integrating it with the Islamic context. The next article is a review of a trial related to the correlation between reading habits and student learning achievement in learning English. Still related to the learning trials, the next article tries to develop the Snakes and Ladders game format into an electronic format for teaching English vocabulary. From the three experimental and development studies, all the results are positive for EFL. Turning to the study of Arabic learning, the first discussion focused on the habituation of speaking Arabic which was tested at pesantren which greatly ignored speaking and deepened grammatical and vocabulary memorization. In the next section, there is an article that deals with the more strategic and practical reconstruction of Arabic learning management. While the end of this edition is a research and development of listening learning materials. that is due to the lack of teachers who innovate to make audio for learning to hear.
  • Teaching Second Language
    Vol 1 No 1 (2018)
    The first finding of this edition is a study that states that introverted students have a slightly higher level of participation than extroverted students which contradicts the findings of several previous studies. Meanwhile, gender investigations show that the average speaking participation of male students is relatively higher than that of women. Next is the study of the application of the scientific approach used in teaching English, because usually the approach is applied in science classes. the third discussion is, the fact that today's students prefer to learn using digital technology. then digital storytelling can be expected to be applied by teachers in the process of teaching English.
    Furthermore, the study of Arabic in this edition begins with an observation of teaching listening to the suggestopedia method. Furthermore the application of speed reading in Arabic, given that the process of reading Arabic with other languages there are significant differences so it is difficult to ignore grammatically. The last discussion relates to the combined trial of Arabic language teaching between cooperative learning and learning cell.