Author Guidelines
- Articles sent to the journal usually need to be between 4,000 and 5,000 words or between 14-17 pages with one space and must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words, containing the importance of the topic, the gap between theory and practice, between reality and hope, or lack of study , the purpose of this research, methods, findings, and conclusions.
- In the abstract, explicitly write in italics: Introduction, an objective of the papers, method, findings, and conclusion.
- Below the abstract, about three to five keywords should appear together with the main body of the article, with a font size of 10 in English-Indonesian or Arabic-Indonesian.
- The Journal operates a peer review process and promotes blind review. To facilitate this process, author’s names (without academic titles), institutional affiliations, and the email address of the corresponding author should appear only on a detachable cover sheet.
- Articles should be written in English in single space, using Microsoft Word, font size 11, Palatino Linotype, top margin 2 cm, bottom left, and right margin 2.5 cm, printed in Letters, or articles should be written in Arabic in single space, using Microsoft Word, font size 16, Sakkal Majalla, top margin 2 cm, bottom left, and right margin 2.5 cm, printed in Letters.