Scientific Hadiths and Its Implementation in The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Hadis-Hadis Tentang Pengetahuan dan Implementasinya dalam Kemunculan Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Fatichatus Sadiyah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ushuluddin Darussalam Bangkalan, Indonesia
Keywords: Thematic Hadith, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Hadiths


Artificial intelligence (AI) is closely associated with the fifth industrial revolution, with computer systems' capacity to replicate and perform tasks that typically necessitate human intelligence. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) technology prompts an inquiry into the perspective of the Koran and Hadith as authoritative sources of Islamic law about the rise of AI. This essay explores the theoretical framework of hadiths about knowledge and its application within the context of artificial intelligence (AI). This essay employs mawďūiy or thematical hadith studies by al-Farmawi's theme approach, which technique entails the compilation of hadiths about a specific subject or objective based on asbāb al-wurūd and their comprehension, followed by elucidations, revelations, and interpretations of particular matters. The scientific hadith concepts above include fadl al-ilm wa al-ajr alayh; no hadith explicitly mentions technology or AI. However, in this hadith, science or knowledge is interpreted as technology because knowledge is the theoretical framework, while technology is the tangible outcome. If the relevance of AI is significant, Muslims must acknowledge and address the emergence of AI. Additionally, they can engage in its study for the betterment of both the present life and the hereafter. AI utilization can enhance creativity, productivity, and time efficiency. However, ensuring that ethical considerations accompany AI is imperative.


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How to Cite
Sadiyah, F. (2024). Scientific Hadiths and Its Implementation in The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dirosatuna: Journal of Islamic Studies, 7(1), 1-15.