إعادة تفسير مفهوم الجهاد الطلب: محاولة في تطويع الفقهي الجهادي لمقتضيات العصر

Reinterpretation of Jihad Offensive Concept: An Attempt to Adapt the Islamic Law of Jihad Among These Ages

  • Taufiqul Hadi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
Keywords: Reinterpretation, Jihad Offensive, Fiqh al-Jihad, War


This article seeks to reinterpret the concept of jihād offensive as an attempt to adapt fiqh al-jihādī jurisprudence to the requirements of the times. The jurists have defined the jihād offensive as seeking the infidels in their own homes and fighting them if they do not accept to submit to the rule of Islam, and imposing as a jihad an obligation of sufficiency upon the nation in the form of an invasion every year. It is known that there is a lot of talk and a variety of studies on the topic of jihād today. Jihād is understood as fighting the entire world, and this phenomenon is related to the concept of jihad offensive in jurisprudential custom. This study presents a theory of demand jihād that fits in the contemporary context after the world agreed to respect the borders of regional states. This study indicates that contemporary scholars do not directly follow what previous scholars formulated in this regard, and avoid war as a means of contemporary jihād. Through interest in social change, it is not necessary in jihād to actually fight in this era. Rather, it may be sufficient for military force to be present and to strengthen the borders. The meaning of jihād evolves and is not limited to fighting, but is also interpreted in the context of applying the call and assimilating religious values according to the capabilities of each. Jihād is not only the property of a group of experts on the battlefield, but every Muslim can organize himself to participate in jihad in order to achieve religious goals.


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How to Cite
Hadi, T. (2024). إعادة تفسير مفهوم الجهاد الطلب: محاولة في تطويع الفقهي الجهادي لمقتضيات العصر. Dirosatuna: Journal of Islamic Studies, 7(1), 31-44. https://doi.org/10.31538/dirosatuna.v7i1.4826