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  • Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
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  • Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
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  • Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE)
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  • Alsuna: Journal of Arabic and English Language
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  • Al-'`Adalah : Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Islam
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  • Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya
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  • Dirosatuna: Journal of Islamic Studies
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  • Aulada : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Perkembangan Anak
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  • Al-Tsiqoh : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Dakwah Islam
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  • Al-Mashrof (Journal Islamic Banking and Finance)
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  • Amaliyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Interdisipliner
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  • Khodimul Ummah: Journal of Community Service (ISSN 2963-9719)
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  • International Conference on Research and Community Services (ICORCS)
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