Influence of Self-Efficacy, Organizational Culture, and Job Satisfaction on The Performance of Madrasah Aliyah Teachers
There are several problems that occur in the field between the expected performance and the actual performance of MA teachers in Batubara Regency at this time. If this problem does not receive special attention and is handled seriously, the result will weaken the quality of madrasa education and even become a setback for the quality of student graduates. This research uses an explanatory correlational method. The results of this research. The findings of the teacher performance model formulated in this research are novel from the results of research which shows the development of a model for improving teacher performance, especially for Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Batubara Regency. This performance model has been tested for suitability with the most dominant proportion of influence from exogenous variables being organizational culture variables, followed by self-efficacy, and achievement motivation, and followed by the smallest proportion of influence being teacher job satisfaction variables. The order of the most influential exogenous variables shows that if you want to improve the performance of Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Batubara Regency, what needs to be improved first is organizational culture, followed by achievement motivation, job satisfaction, and self-efficacy with a total of direct and indirect influences, Spurious, and Unanalyzed who conducted tests of self-efficacy and organizational culture, achievement motivation and job satisfaction on the performance of Madrasah Aliyah teachers in Batubara Regency.
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