Metode Dakwah Ustadz Evri Heika Tentang Hikmah Salat Pada Pengajian Masjid Al-Musannif Al-Amin Kecamatan Sunggal
The Da'wah Method of Ustadz Evri Heika on the Hikmah of Prayer at the Al-Musannif Al-Amin Mosque Islamic Recitation Program, Sunggal District
In the midst of the dynamics of preaching in the mosque environment, the figure of Ustadz Evri Heika emerged as an important figure in mobilizing and providing direction for the recitation congregation. Even though it is not widely known in the realm of social media, its role in spreading Islamic teachings within the Al-Musannif Al-Amin Mosque is very significant. The da'wah activities carried out by Ustadz Evri Heika provide an important context in understanding how the da'wah methods he applies can have a significant impact on increasing understanding of the wisdom and purpose of prayer among the congregation. This research aims to explore and analyze the da'wah methods applied by Ustadz Evri Heika to congregations who teach the wisdom of prayer at the Al-Musannif Al-Amin Mosque, Sunggal District. The research method used is qualitative using a descriptive approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews and document analysis, and analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. This research is based on the principles in the Qur'an, namely the theory of da'wah methods in Surah An-Nahl verse 125 and the theory of the wisdom of prayer in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 110. Ustadz Evri Heika uses the book "Al Fiqhu 'ala Madzahib Al' arba'a” as one of the sources of material for recitation at the Al-Musannif Al-Amin Mosque. The research results that Ustadz Evri Heika's preaching had a positive impact on the recitation congregation, especially regarding prayer. Ustadz Evri's da'wah is considered very effective for the congregation in receiving his da'wah message. Through the application of varied preaching methods, he was able to inspire and guide the congregation to further improve the quality of prayer services. The recitation congregation increasingly appreciates the meaning of prayer in their daily lives.
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