Author Guidelines

1. The editorial staff receives writings / manuscripts in the field of scientific law from experts, university teaching staff, and from the Public
2. Al-'Journal Can accept manuscripts of scientific work in the form of:
- Original research results
- Literature review which has a new contribution to the development of law
- Comments / criticisms about manuscripts that have been published by other scientific journals or magazines
3. Manuscripts sent to the Editor of the Al-'Journal will be reviewed in advance by the Editorial Board or Experts (Referees) in their fields. The decision to accept or not accept an article is the right of the Editorial Board based on the advice of the Reviewer
4. The review process will be carried out by the Editorial Board so that for smooth transfer of files it should be by e-mail so that it is faster and correspondence will be addressed to the address of the first author or Corresponding Author (each article must be marked who is the Author Author). The writer must immediately correct the article according to Referees instructions and journal writing instructions and send it back immediately.
5. Articles written must be in the specified format and must contain the following components (in the order):
- Title, Author's Name, Abstract (in good and correct English), and Keywords.
- Preliminary
- Research Materials and Methodologies
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Thank you (if any)
- References
6. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian, Arabic, or English. The manuscript contains a maximum of 15 quarto pages (81/2 x 11) including images and tables, sent via OJS DIKTUM. The period of receipt of the manuscript, August s.d. November for the January issue, and February s.d. May for the July issue.
7. Articles must be written on quarto size paper (81/2 x 11) and with a 25 mm left margin format, 20 mm right margin, 20 mm bottom margin and 33 mm upper margin, and must be typed in Times New Roman font with the font 11 pt (except title), one space and in two column format (except title, author's name, abstract and keywords in one column format) 10 mm apart
8. Subtitles are written in bold with the Title Case format and are arranged flat left without numbers and underscores. Subtitles are written in bold with Sentence Case format and are arranged left aligned without numbers and underscores. The images are placed in a group of text and are given a description of the picture and number followed by the title of the picture that is placed under the picture in question. Likewise for the table but placed on the table in question. Images must be guaranteed to print clearly, while the text is inside. Images or diagrams / schemes should be placed according to columns between groups of text or if it is too large placed in the middle of the page
9. The title of the article (font size 12 pt Times New Roman) is as short and clear as possible,
to show
the exact problem to be raised does not provide an opportunity
diverse interpretations, written entirely in capital letters symmetrically.
10. The author's name is written under the Article Title without an academic degree and is not initiated
with the word "by". If the author is more than one person, the names are written on one line
separated by commas. The name of the agency is written in the footer of the first page of the paper, which is
begins with signs / symbols in the order of the names of the authors.
11. Abstract (in good and correct English) must contain the core problem
will be stated, the method of solving it, and the results obtained and conclusions,
and no more than 200 words, one space with a font size of 11 pt.
12. Foreign words or terms use italics (Italic). New paragraphs start on typing
sixth from the left border, while between paragraphs there is no space between. All numbers
written with numbers, except at the beginning of the sentence. Tables and figures must be given information
13. Each equation (Equation) is written centered and given a number written in brackets
and the number is placed at the end of the right margin of the column. Equation must
written using Equation Editor in MS Word.