Publication Ethics

Al-Adalah: jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Islam is a journal published by the Islamic Family Law Study Program (HKI) Pesantren Institute KH Abdul Chalim Mojokerto (IKHAC). Focus on the study of Sharia Studies, Islamic Law, including: Scope of Worship, Law on family or personal body law (ahkam al-ahwal al-syakhshiyyah, Law on material things (al-ahkam al-madaniyyah, criminal law (al-ahkam al -jinaiyayah), procedural law (al-ahkam al-murafa'at), constitutional law (al-ahkam al-dusturiyyah), international law (al-ahkam al-dauliyyah), and economic and financial law (al-ahkam al- iqtishadiyyah wa al-maliyyah).

Duties and Responsibilities of Journal Manager

1. Determine the name of the journal, scope of science, validity, and accreditation if necessary.
2. Determine editorial board membership.
3. Defines the relationship between the publisher, editor, bestari partner, and other parties in a contract.
4. Respect confidential matters, both for contributing researchers, authors / writers, editors, and bestari partners.
5. Apply norms and conditions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyrights.
6. Conduct a journal policy review and present it to the author / writer, the editorial board, bestari partners, and readers.
7. Create a code of conduct guide for editors and bestari partners.
8. Publish journals regularly.
9. Guarantee the availability of financial resources for the sustainability of journal publishing.
10. Building a network of cooperation and marketing.
11. Prepare licensing and other aspects of legality.

Editor's Duties and Responsibilities

1. Meeting the needs of readers and authors / writers,
2. Strive to continuously improve the quality of publications,
3. Implement a process to guarantee the quality of published works,
4. Promoting freedom of opinion objectively,
5. Maintaining the integrity of the author's academic track record,
6. Submit corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies if needed,
7. Responsible for the style and format of the paper, while the contents and all statements in the paper are the responsibility of the author / writer,
8. Actively soliciting the opinions of authors, readers, bestari partners, and editorial board members to improve the quality of publications,
9. Encourage the evaluation of the journal if there are findings,
10. Support initiatives to reduce research and publication errors by asking authors to attach an Ethics Clearing form that has been approved by the Ethics Clearing Commission,
11. Supporting initiatives to educate researchers about the ethics of publications,
12. Reviewing the effects of published policies on the attitudes of authors and bestari partners and improving them to increase responsibility and minimize errors,
13. Having an open mind to new opinions or other people's views that may conflict with personal opinions,
14. Not maintaining one's own opinion, the author or a third party that can lead to decisions that are not objective,
15. Encourage the author / writer, so that they can make improvements to the paper to be published.

Duties and Responsibilities of Bestari Partners

1. Obtain the task of the editor to study the paper and submit the results of the review to the editor, as material for determining the eligibility of a paper to be published.
2. Examiners may not examine written papers that involve them, either directly or indirectly
3. Maintaining the privacy of the author by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations by providing criticism, suggestions, input, and recommendations
4. Encourage the author / writer to make improvements to the paper
5. Re-examine the paper that has been repaired in accordance with predetermined standards.
6. The paper is reviewed in a timely manner according to the style of the publication's environment based on scientific principles (data collection methods, author's legality, conclusions, etc.).

Duties and Responsibilities of the Author / Writer

Author's Responsibility

        Reporting Standards:

The author who writes the research report must present an accurate report of the work done and discuss the purpose of the significance of the research. The underlying data must be explained accurately in the research report text. The research report must contain enough detail and references to enable others to emulate the work. Reports containing fraud or intentions regarding inaccurate data are unethical and unacceptable behavior.

Data Access and Retention:

If needed, the writer is asked to provide raw data related to editorial needs. The author must be prepared to provide the data within a predetermined time period.

Originality and Plagiarism:

The writers must ensure that the work written is entirely original and if the author uses the work and or sentences of others then must use citations or be quoted correctly.

Double publishing or similarity of content:

An author should not publish manuscripts that describe the same research essence in more than one journal or publisher. Sending the same text to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable publishing behavior.

Source Recognition:

Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors must cite publications or ideas that have influence in determining the nature of the work reported.

Report Builder:

The author's name must be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the concept, design, implementation, or interpretation of the research reported. All those who have contributed significantly must be registered as co-authors. Parties who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project must be recognized or registered as contributors. The lead author must ensure that the co-authors whose names are listed in the report are those that are truly eligible to be included, and that all co-authors have seen and agreed to the final version of the report and have agreed to publish the report.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest:

All authors must disclose in the text of the report any financial or substantive conflict of interest that might be expected to affect the results or interpretation of the draft text.

Fundamental errors in published works:

When the authors find significant errors or inaccuracies in the published work, the author is obliged to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and work with the editor to withdraw or correct the work.


Please fill out and sign the Declaration to be included as an attachment file when submitting the manuscript (Submit article) please download here.