Alienation in The Movie Melancholia

Keterasingan dalam Film Melancholia

  • Sakhi Herwiana Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari
Keywords: Movie, Melancholia, Alienation


Purpose, this study aims to describe the alienation concept in the movie Melancholia.

Design/methodology/approach, It is a literature philosophy. It was analysed by watching the movie, transliteration of the script, and coding the dialogue related to alienation theme.

Findings/result, The findings showed there are several alienation forms that was experienced by the movie star, Kirsten Dunst. Alienation in this movie is described in relationships with oneself, other people, society, objects or nature, and capitalism.

Originality/value, This film criticizes the social life of people who do not care about the problems faced by their children or family.

Paper type, research paper


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How to Cite
Herwiana, S. (2023). Alienation in The Movie Melancholia. Alsuna: Journal of Arabic and English Language, 6(1), 37-54.