Reconstruction of Student’s Arabic Language Proficiency through the International Student Exchange Program at Universiti Zainal Abidin Malaysia
Rekonstruksi Kemampuan Bahasa Arab Mahasiswa Melalui Program Pertukaran Pelajar Internasional di Universiti Zainal Abidin Malaysia [إعادة بناء كفاءة اللغة العربية لدى الطلاب من خلال برنامج التبادل الطلابي الدولي في جامعة زين العابدين ماليزيا]
Purpose - This study aims to discuss the reconstruction of student’s Arabic language proficiency through the International Student Exchange program at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA), Malaysia, using Albert Bandura's social learning theory approach. This program allows students to learn directly in a supportive Arabic-speaking environment.
Design/methodology/approach - With qualitative research and a phenomenological approach, the data was organized to describe the development of Arabic language proficiency in student experience through observation of the class program and social interactions, in-depth interviews, and documenting activities. The data was analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and validated through data source, theory, and method triangulation.
Findings/results – The research findings indicate that the International Student Exchange program at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA) Malaysia is an effective means of enhancing student’s Arabic language skills through the creation of a (bi’ah lughawiyah) or Arabic language environment that allows students to observe, understand, and practice Arabic directly. This process unfolds through stages of attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation, supported by the presence of native speakers as factual learning models.
Originality/value - This study links Bandura’s social learning theory with student’s practical experiences in the student exchange program at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA), which has yet to be extensively discussed in previous literature.
Paper type – Research paper
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