Representasi Peran Ibu dalam Drama Korea The good Bad Mother
Representation of the Role of Mother in Korean Drama The Good Bad Mother
The Korean drama The Good Bad Mother tells the story of a mother's role for her child in the absence of a husband. Thus, mothers have to play multiple roles in order to continue their lives. Therefore, this research attempts to reveal the representation of the roles played by mothers in the Korean drama The Good Bad Mother through symbols analysed using Roland Barthes' semiotic model. This research uses qualitative methods by observing and analysing symbols of the mother's role based on their denotative meaning, connotative meaning and myths. The results of this study show that the representation of the mother's role is in the form of; (1) Having a dual role. (2) Meeting the needs of body and mind. (3) Looking after and caring for the family with great patience. (4) Mother as protector. (5) Mother as a role model. (6) Mother as a source of love. The denotative meaning is reflected in the activities and dialogues of the actors, the connotative meaning is supported by the props used, the shooting techniques and the colouring of the video material, which also influences the atmosphere of the role played by the mother character. Meanwhile, the myth of a mother's role is represented by the mother's dual role, which is also motivated by economic, social and environmental conditions that force her to be both a mother and a father to her child, and shapes her character as a woman who loves her child fiercely.
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